Breaking Free from a Codependent Relationship

Codependency is a term that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? At its core, a codependent relationship is a dynamic where one person relies excessively on another for emotional validation, self-worth, and even their sense of identity. This can happen in romantic relationships, friendships, and even within some families. Codependency is not just about being overly caring or devoted; it is a cycle of unhealthy dependency that thrives on emotional manipulation and blackmail. The tricky part? It’s largely unintentional. Most people don’t set out to create or participate in a codependent relationship—it just happens over time, shaped by experiences and learned behaviors.

If you find yourself sacrificing your own needs, constantly walking on eggshells, or feeling an overwhelming responsibility for someone else’s happiness, you might be caught in a codependent relationship. The good news? On the other side of this battle lies freedom, happiness, and a renewed sense of self. Breaking free is not easy, but it is absolutely worth it.

How the Codependent Relationship Starts

Codependency does not appear out of nowhere—it is usually learned in childhood. Many people who struggle with codependency grew up in environments where love was conditional. Perhaps a parent was emotionally unavailable, addicted, or abusive. In these situations, a child learns that their worth is tied to how well they can please, care for, or even “fix” others – all in the name of keeping the peace.

codependent relationship

Children who experience this often grow into adults who struggle to set boundaries. They may feel responsible for the emotions of those around them and prioritize others’ needs above their own. This pattern carries into adult relationships, where they continue to seek validation through self-sacrifice.

The Manipulative Nature of Codependency

At its heart, codependency is deeply manipulative—even when it doesn’t seem that way. This is not to say that a codependent person is intentionally deceptive, but the entire dynamic is built on control. One person assumes the role of the giver, while the other assumes the role of the taker. The giver believes their love, support, and self-sacrifice will eventually “fix” the other person, making them happy or appreciative. In return, they expect love, gratitude, or validation. But this exchange is never equal.

The giver often ends up resentful, exhausted, and deeply hurt because their efforts are never truly recognized. Meanwhile, the taker continues to demand more, reinforcing the toxic cycle. What makes this even more dangerous is that codependency is often disguised as love, devotion, or selflessness, making it difficult to recognize and even harder to break free from. Again, this is not usually done maliciously—most people involved in codependent relationships are acting out of deep-seated habits and fears they may not even realize they have.

Emotional Blackmail in Codependent Relationships

One of the most insidious aspects of codependency is emotional blackmail. This is when one person manipulates the other into complying with their desires by using FOG (fear, obligation, or guilt). Emotional blackmail can sound like:

  • “If you loved me, you’d do this for me.”
  • “You’re the only one who can help me.”
  • “After everything I’ve done for you, you owe me.”
  • “I can’t live without you.”

This kind of manipulation traps the codependent person in a state of guilt and anxiety, making it incredibly difficult to break free. The fear of abandonment, rejection, or disappointing someone else keeps them locked in a toxic loop. Over time, they begin to believe that they are only valuable when they are needed, reinforcing their role in the relationship.

Again, most of the time, emotional blackmail is not intentional. The person using these tactics may genuinely believe they are expressing their needs or trying to keep the relationship intact. But, that does not make the behavior any less harmful.

A Mental Health Spiral

Many people in a codependent relationship will struggle with anxiety and depression, often feeling trapped in a cycle they don’t know how to escape. When your sense of worth is tied to keeping others happy, it can feel impossible to make choices that prioritize your own well-being. Over time, this can lead to a deep sense of powerlessness—like no matter what you do, things will never change.

But the truth is, you can change. Healing from a codependent relationship is about realizing that you are not responsible for carrying the weight of someone else’s emotions. When you take that first step toward breaking the cycle, you begin to reclaim not just your happiness, but your sense of self.

Breaking the Cycle and Finding Yourself Again

When you are deeply entrenched in codependency, your sense of self gets buried beneath the needs, emotions, and expectations of others. The road to recovery is challenging, but it leads to something far greater: happiness, peace, and self-acceptance.

Steps to Breaking Free:

  1. Acknowledge the Problem – The first step is recognizing that the relationship dynamic is unhealthy. Without this awareness, change is impossible.
  2. Establish Boundaries – Boundaries are essential in healing from codependency. Learn to say no without guilt. Recognize that you are not responsible for managing other people’s emotions.
  3. Detach with Love – You do not need to abandon people, but you do need to stop enabling toxic behaviors. You can love and care for someone without sacrificing yourself in the process.
  4. Seek Therapy or Support Groups – Codependency is deeply rooted in past experiences. Therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can help rewire thought patterns. Support groups like Codependents Anonymous (CoDA) can also provide guidance.
  5. Reconnect with Yourself – When was the last time you did something just for yourself? Explore hobbies, interests, and passions that have nothing to do with anyone else. Rediscover who you are outside of the codependent role.
  6. Accept That Not Everyone Will Understand – When you break free from a codependent relationship, some people will resist. They may try to guilt-trip you back into the cycle. Stand firm. You do not need to justify your healing journey.

Life After Codependency: Freedom and Happiness

Walking away from codependency is like stepping out of a fog. You begin to see the world—and yourself—more clearly. You realize that your worth is not tied to how much you do for others. You experience a sense of freedom you may have never known before.

Personally, I can say that life on the other side is brighter. I am happier, less anxious, and much kinder—not just to others, but to myself. No longer carrying the weight of someone else’s emotions has given me the space to feel genuine joy, peace, and self-love. The relationships I have now are healthier, based on mutual respect rather than obligation or control.

How Parenting Can Create Codependency

Parenting plays a massive role in shaping our ability to have healthy relationships. If you were raised in a home where love was conditional, where emotional needs were neglected, or where you were made to feel responsible for your parents’ happiness, you may have developed codependent traits as a survival mechanism.

On the flip side, as parents, we need to be mindful of the lessons we pass on to our children. Raising children to be emotionally independent means:

  • Allowing them to express their emotions without fear of punishment or rejection.
  • Teaching them that their worth is not based on how much they do for others.
  • Encouraging them to set and respect boundaries.
  • Showing them that love is given freely, not earned through self-sacrifice.

Breaking generational cycles of codependency is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. It teaches them that they are whole and worthy just as they are, without needing to fix or save anyone else.

Conclusion: Choosing Yourself is Not Selfish

Ending a codependent relationship is not about abandoning others—it is about choosing yourself for the first time. It is about breaking the cycle of emotional manipulation, reclaiming your identity, and finally living a life that is yours.

If you are struggling with codependency, know this: freedom is possible. On the other side of this battle, there is joy, peace, and a sense of self you may have forgotten existed. And that, more than anything else, is worth defending.

Youth Mental Health – Facing It Together

boy sitting on bicycle

Do you ever feel like the mainstream conversation around youth mental health misses the mark?

Mental health has become a bit of a cultural cliché in some circles because of how frequently it’s discussed in mainstream culture, often in oversimplified or superficial ways. Social media, in particular, has contributed to this by turning complex issues into bite-sized, shareable content—memes, hashtags, and generic self-care tips that sometimes lack real depth. Brands and influencers have also commercialized the topic, making it feel more like a marketing tool than a genuine effort to raise awareness or provide support. Sometimes, it creates more victims than conquerers.

Instead of diving into the nuances of mental health struggles, the conversation can sometimes feel superficial and repetitive. They’re often focused on trendy buzzwords like “self-care,” and “boundaries,” and without addressing the harder, messier realities of living with mental health challenges or loving someone who does. And when everything is on fire, we want – we need – some honesty and connection. We don’t just need ‘a relaxing bath’, I can assure you. Such platitudes are unconstructive to someone who feels like they are carrying the weight of the world on their, and their kids’, shoulders. Things are different for us.

The profundity of grief in parenting around youth mental health challenges is an experience that brings sadness and emotional turmoil for the whole family unit. Watching your child struggle, knowing they are in pain, and feeling utterly powerless is a pain no parent should have to endure. And the toll it can take on siblings is significant. For parents, this journey is not just about managing their condition but also about navigating the rollercoaster of emotions that come with it.

The Guilt That Never Leaves
One of the hardest things about poor youth mental health is the personal guilt that comes from feeling responsible. It’s a persistent, nagging voice that whispers, “Am I responsible for this?” “Did I do enough to prevent this?” “Could I have done something differently?” The crushing weight of responsibility is something I carry daily, even when I know deep down that I’m doing my best. After all, I did start getting him professional help at 4.  Finding a balance between self-compassion and accountability is an ongoing struggle—acknowledging mistakes while also recognizing that we’re only human.

The Resentment That Lingers
The frustration that comes with realizing that my child’s condition is here to stay can feel suffocating at times. No amount of therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes can completely erase it. Not to mention the unfairness of it all—”Why us? Why doesn’t anyone else have these problems?”

When my son was young and we were struggling, I remember my father telling me about the nice girl up the street with four little kids. “She doesn’t have any problems, why do you? Your kids look fine to me.” If all you had to do was look fine to be fine, we’d all be a lot further along.

Deep breath.

It took me a while to stop ruminating about it, and I would feel resentment watching other mothers navigate life with what seemed like ease and even grace. It’s a constant effort to reframe my perspective, to remind myself that everyone’s struggles are different, and comparison only leads to more pain.

Compassion in the Eye of the Storm
Youth mental health problems often manifest in ways that can be incredibly challenging to cope with as a parent. There are moments when my child lashes out, saying things they don’t mean, acting in ways that aren’t ‘them.’ It’s heartbreaking to witness, but even harder to remember that it’s the illness speaking, not my child. The challenge is separating their true self from the behaviors driven by their condition. Practicing patience and understanding in the face of anger, defiance, and frustration is exhausting, and sometimes I fail. Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes it breaks me.

Loneliness and Betrayal
Parenting a child with mental health challenges can be incredibly isolating. Plans get canceled, friendships fade, and much of the support system you once relied on begins to shrink. The ultimate betrayal is by people whom you thought were your ride-or-die family, and it is hard to digest. When the going gets tough, the tough get going – right out the fucking door and out of your life, I guess.

And then there’s the judgment—the looks, the unsolicited parenting advice, the whispers behind your back. It’s painful to realize that your parenting is being judged and misunderstood, often by those closest to you. Over time, I’ve learned to let go of relationships that make me feel bad about my life, my parenting, or myself. I made the decision to surround myself with people who truly understand and support me, even if I’d often be alone. It’s important to me that I’m given the benefit of the doubt when my parenting doesn’t look like theirs does.

Finding Purpose
Despite the hardships, I know deep down that I was chosen for this job. There’s an undeniable sense of purpose in being my child’s unwavering support system. Love, for me, is showing up every day, no matter how hard it gets. I find strength in the small victories—the days when my child smiles, when he opens up, when he is at ease. When this happens I get to see the real beauty of his smart, funny, caring heart. It’s in these moments that I realize I wouldn’t trade this journey for anything. My commitment is unshakable, and I hold onto the hope that with the loving support of family, my child will find their way to a life of meaning and depth. I have deep gratitude for the opportunity to be there when he needs me.

This is a journey that isn’t easy or pretty, isn’t always pretty, but it’s a path worth trying to walk with love and resilience for. I don’t ever want to look back and see times when I didn’t step up for my kids in every way possible.  To other parents going through similar struggles, I see you. I understand your pain, your exhaustion, and your unwavering love. We were meant for this, even when it’s hard.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, dial 9-8-8 in Canada to be connected to a trained mental health support worker.

Chewy Molasses Cookies

There’s something magical about the smell of ginger cookies baking in the oven. The warm aroma of ginger, cinnamon, and molasses wafting through the house evokes memories of holiday gatherings, cozy winter evenings, and the joy of creating something special in the kitchen. For me, ginger cookies hold an extra layer of nostalgia, tied to a beloved cookbook from my childhood: Company’s Coming Kids.

When I was a kid, someone gifted our family this recipe book, and it quickly became a favorite in our home. The recipes were approachable, fun, and perfect for kids just starting to explore the kitchen. My siblings and I spent countless afternoons flipping through its pages, but there was one recipe that stood out above the rest—Ginger Crinkles on page 37.

Ginger Crinkles were unlike any other cookie I’d tasted at the time. They were chewy, spiced, and deeply flavorful, with that signature molasses tang that balanced perfectly with the sweetness. Every time we made them, the process felt like an event. Measuring out the sticky molasses, rolling the dough into sugar-coated balls, and watching them puff up and crackle in the oven became a tradition.

Now, years later, I find myself sharing that same recipe with my own kids. Baking Ginger Crinkles together has become a cherished family tradition, especially during the holiday season.

The Allure of Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies

Molasses cookies, especially the chewy variety, are a quintessential holiday treat. While crisp ginger snaps have their place, there’s something irresistible about a soft, chewy molasses cookie that practically melts in your mouth. The texture, combined with the perfect balance of spices, makes them a standout on any cookie tray.

Molasses is the unsung hero of these cookies, giving them their signature chewiness and depth of flavor. Its rich, slightly bitter undertones play beautifully with the warm spices of ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. The sugar coating adds a subtle crunch and a hint of sparkle, making each cookie feel festive.

These cookies are incredibly versatile, too. While they’re a staple during the holidays, they’re just as satisfying on a chilly autumn day with a cup of tea or coffee. They also freeze well, making them a convenient option for make-ahead baking.

A Holiday Tradition

For many families, molasses cookies are synonymous with the holidays. Their spicy aroma fills kitchens with the scent of Christmas, and their classic flavors pair perfectly with other seasonal favorites like eggnog, hot cocoa, or mulled cider. Whether served at a holiday party, left out for Santa, or enjoyed by the fire, ginger molasses cookies are a treat that brings people together.

In our family, the holiday season isn’t complete without a batch of Ginger Crinkles. My kids love helping with every step of the process. They mix the dough, roll it into balls, and giggle as they coat them in sugar. Watching their excitement as the cookies bake and crackle in the oven is a reminder of why traditions like this matter.

Why Ginger Cookies Are a Classic

Ginger cookies have been a holiday favorite for generations, and for good reason. Their history can be traced back to gingerbread, which originated in Europe during the Middle Ages. Ginger was valued not only for its flavor but also for its supposed medicinal properties. Over time, gingerbread evolved into a variety of forms, from spiced cakes to crisp cookies, and eventually into the soft, chewy cookies we know and love today.

The spices used in ginger cookies—ginger, cinnamon, and cloves—are often referred to as “warming spices.” They evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia, making them perfect for the colder months. The addition of molasses, a common ingredient in early American baking, gives these cookies a distinctively rich flavor that sets them apart from other holiday treats.

Sharing the Tradition

Baking chewy ginger molasses cookies isn’t just about making something delicious; it’s about creating memories. When I bake these cookies with my kids, I see the same joy and wonder I felt as a child. It’s a reminder that food has the power to connect us—to our past, to our loved ones, and to the traditions we hold dear.

Whether you’re making these cookies for the first time or revisiting an old favorite, I hope they bring a little extra warmth and joy to your holiday season. And if you have kids, let them get involved in the process. Baking together is a wonderful way to create lasting memories and pass down cherished traditions.


Chewy ginger molasses cookies, like the Ginger Crinkles from Company’s Coming Kids, are more than just a treat—they’re a symbol of togetherness, tradition, and the simple joys of the holiday season. Their timeless flavor and festive appearance make them a must-have on any holiday cookie platter.

So this year, grab your apron, pull out the molasses, and gather your loved ones for a baking session. Whether you’re rekindling an old tradition or starting a new one, these cookies are sure to bring a little extra magic to your holiday celebrations. Looking for more decadent delights for your sweet tooth? Check out our chocolate marshmallow cookies here!

There’s something magical about the smell of ginger cookies baking in the oven. The warm aroma of ginger, cinnamon, and molasses wafting through the house evokes memories of holiday gatherings, cozy winter evenings, and the joy of creating something special in the kitchen. For me, ginger cookies hold an extra layer of nostalgia, tied to a beloved cookbook from my childhood: Company’s Coming Kids.

Jump to Recipe

When I was a kid, someone gifted our family this recipe book, and it quickly became a favorite in our home. The recipes were approachable, fun, and perfect for kids just starting to explore the kitchen. My siblings and I spent countless afternoons flipping through its pages, but there was one recipe that stood out above the rest—Ginger Crinkles on page 37.

Ginger Crinkles were unlike any other cookie I’d tasted at the time. They were chewy, spiced, and deeply flavorful, with that signature molasses tang that balanced perfectly with the sweetness. Every time we made them, the process felt like an event. Measuring out the sticky molasses, rolling the dough into sugar-coated balls, and watching them puff up and crackle in the oven became a tradition.

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Now, years later, I find myself sharing that same recipe with my own kids. Baking Ginger Crinkles together has become a cherished family tradition, especially during the holiday season.

The Allure of Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies

Molasses cookies, especially the chewy variety, are a quintessential holiday treat. While crisp ginger snaps have their place, there’s something irresistible about a soft, chewy molasses cookie that practically melts in your mouth. The texture, combined with the perfect balance of spices, makes them a standout on any cookie tray.

Molasses is the unsung hero of these cookies, giving them their signature chewiness and depth of flavor. Its rich, slightly bitter undertones play beautifully with the warm spices of ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. The sugar coating adds a subtle crunch and a hint of sparkle, making each cookie feel festive.

These cookies are incredibly versatile, too. While they’re a staple during the holidays, they’re just as satisfying on a chilly autumn day with a cup of tea or coffee. They also freeze well, making them a convenient option for make-ahead baking.

A Holiday Tradition

For many families, molasses cookies are synonymous with the holidays. Their spicy aroma fills kitchens with the scent of Christmas, and their classic flavors pair perfectly with other seasonal favorites like eggnog, hot cocoa, or mulled cider. Whether served at a holiday party, left out for Santa, or enjoyed by the fire, ginger molasses cookies are a treat that brings people together.

In our family, the holiday season isn’t complete without a batch of Ginger Crinkles. My kids love helping with every step of the process. They mix the dough, roll it into balls, and giggle as they coat them in sugar. Watching their excitement as the cookies bake and crackle in the oven is a reminder of why traditions like this matter.

Why Ginger Cookies Are a Classic

Ginger cookies have been a holiday favorite for generations, and for good reason. Their history can be traced back to gingerbread, which originated in Europe during the Middle Ages. Ginger was valued not only for its flavor but also for its supposed medicinal properties. Over time, gingerbread evolved into a variety of forms, from spiced cakes to crisp cookies, and eventually into the soft, chewy cookies we know and love today.

The spices used in ginger cookies—ginger, cinnamon, and cloves—are often referred to as “warming spices.” They evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia, making them perfect for the colder months. The addition of molasses, a common ingredient in early American baking, gives these cookies a distinctively rich flavor that sets them apart from other holiday treats.

Sharing the Tradition

Baking chewy ginger molasses cookies isn’t just about making something delicious; it’s about creating memories. When I bake these cookies with my kids, I see the same joy and wonder I felt as a child. It’s a reminder that food has the power to connect us—to our past, to our loved ones, and to the traditions we hold dear.

Whether you’re making these cookies for the first time or revisiting an old favorite, I hope they bring a little extra warmth and joy to your holiday season. And if you have kids, let them get involved in the process. Baking together is a wonderful way to create lasting memories and pass down cherished traditions.


Chewy ginger molasses cookies, like the Ginger Crinkles from Company’s Coming Kids, are more than just a treat—they’re a symbol of togetherness, tradition, and the simple joys of the holiday season. Their timeless flavor and festive appearance make them a must-have on any holiday cookie platter.

So this year, grab your apron, pull out the molasses, and gather your loved ones for a baking session. Whether you’re rekindling an old tradition or starting a new one, these cookies are sure to bring a little extra magic to your holiday celebrations. Looking for more decadent delights for your sweet tooth? Check out our chocolate marshmallow cookies here!

The Recipe: Ginger Crinkles

Ginger Crinkles

Recipe by adminCourse: DessertDifficulty: Easy
Prep time


Cooking time



Taken from pg 37 of Company’s Coming Kids – Ginger Crinkles


  • Ginger Crinkle Cookies

    Wet Ingredients:
    1 cup butter, softened
    1 ½ cups sugar
    1 large egg
    2 tbsp corn syrup
    2 tbsp molasses

    For softer cookies, bake closer to 12 minutes.
    These cookies freeze well for up to 3 months!


  • Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

  • Cream the butter and sugar: In a large bowl, use a mixer to beat the softened butter and 1 ½ cups of sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Add the wet ingredients: Mix in the egg, corn syrup, and molasses until well combined.
  • Mix the dry ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and salt.
  • Combine wet and dry ingredients: Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, mixing until a dough forms.
  • Shape the cookies: Roll the dough into 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in the ¼ cup of sugar to coat.
  • Bake: Place the coated dough balls on the prepared baking sheets, spacing them about 2 inches apart. Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes, or until the cookies are set and the tops are cracked.
  • Cool and enjoy: Let the cookies cool on the baking sheets for 2 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

The Timeless Comfort of Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

Cookies are more than just a sweet treat—they’re carriers of warmth, nostalgia, and a sense of home. Among the vast variety of cookies, coconut oatmeal cookies hold a special place. They blend the wholesome chew of oats with the tropical sweetness of shredded coconut, creating a delightful contrast that’s both satisfying and comforting. Whether you’re baking for family, friends, or just yourself, these cookies are guaranteed to become a favorite.

The Origins of Oatmeal Cookies

To appreciate oatmeal cookies, it helps to understand their roots. Oats have been a dietary staple for centuries, valued for their heartiness and versatility. The first oatmeal cookies trace back to Scotland, where oats were a common ingredient in everyday cooking. Early recipes were simple, often consisting of oats, butter, and a touch of sweetener. As oats gained popularity worldwide, the recipes evolved, incorporating additional ingredients like raisins, nuts, and spices.

In the United States, oatmeal cookies surged in popularity during the early 20th century, thanks to Quaker Oats. The company included an oatmeal cookie recipe on their packaging, making the treat a household staple. Adding coconut to oatmeal cookies was a natural progression, as it brought a unique sweetness and chewy texture that balanced the hearty oats perfectly.

Why Coconut Oatmeal Cookies Stand Out

Oatmeal cookies are already beloved for their comforting texture and versatility, but the addition of coconut elevates them to another level. Here’s why: 

1. Flavor Depth: The nutty sweetness of coconut complements the earthiness of oats, creating a well-rounded flavor profile. 

2. Texture: The shredded coconut adds a chewy, satisfying bite, while the oats lend a slightly crisp edge to the cookie. 

3. Versatility: These cookies are a canvas for creativity. You can customize them with chocolate, nuts, dried fruit, or even spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. 

The Ingredients Behind the Magic

Let’s take a closer look at what makes these cookies so special: 

Butter: The foundation of any good cookie, butter adds richness and moisture. Creaming it with sugar aerates the dough, ensuring soft, tender cookies. 

Sugars: A combination of brown and white sugar creates depth of flavor. Brown sugar adds a caramel-like richness, while white sugar provides sweetness and a slight crispness. 

Eggs and Vanilla: Eggs bind the dough and add structure, while vanilla enhances the overall flavor with its warm, aromatic notes. 

Flour, Baking Soda, and Salt: These dry ingredients work together to provide structure and balance. The baking soda helps the cookies rise slightly, creating a soft interior, while the salt enhances the sweetness and balances the flavors. 

Oats: Quick oats are perfect for cookies because they blend seamlessly into the dough while maintaining their chewy texture. 

Coconut: Sweetened shredded coconut is the star ingredient, adding a tropical twist that makes these cookies unforgettable. 

coconut oatmeal cookies

Tips for Baking Perfect Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

1. Use Room-Temperature Butter: Softened butter creams more easily with sugar, creating a smooth, fluffy dough. If your butter is too cold, it won’t incorporate properly, and if it’s too soft, the cookies may spread too much during baking. 

2. Don’t Overmix: Once you add the dry ingredients, mix just until combined. Overmixing can develop the gluten in the flour, leading to tougher cookies. 

3. Measure Accurately: Baking is a science, and precise measurements are key. Use measuring cups for dry ingredients and a liquid measuring cup for wet ones. 

4. Customize to Your Taste: While this recipe is delightful as-is, don’t hesitate to make it your own. Add chocolate chips for a touch of indulgence, or sprinkle in some chopped nuts for added crunch. 

5. Chill the Dough for a Thicker Cookie: Although not required, chilling the dough for 30 minutes can help prevent the cookies from spreading too much in the oven, resulting in a thicker, chewier texture. 

coconut oatmeal cookies

The Magic of Chocolate Topping

Chocolate is an optional but highly recommended addition to these cookies. While I chose jumbo chocolate chips for my chocolate chip loving crowd, a drizzle of melted chocolate or a quick dip creates an extra layer of decadence. Dark chocolate pairs beautifully with the sweetness of coconut, while milk chocolate offers a creamy complement. For an artistic touch, use a fork to drizzle the chocolate in a zigzag pattern over the cookies.

Looking for more ways to add chocolate to your life? Check out our recipe for chocolate marshmallow cookies here.

Coconut Oatmeal Cookies for Any Occasion 

One of the best things about these cookies is their versatility. They’re perfect for: 

Afternoon Snacks: Pair them with a cup of coffee or tea for a cozy break. 

Holiday Treats: Add them to your cookie platter for a tropical twist on traditional offerings. 

Gifting: Package them in a pretty tin or cellophane bag tied with a ribbon for a thoughtful homemade gift. 

Lunchboxes: Their hearty ingredients make them a satisfying addition to lunchboxes for kids and adults alike. 

A Nostalgic Baking Experience 

Baking coconut oatmeal cookies isn’t just about the end result—it’s about the process. The familiar act of creaming butter and sugar, the aroma of vanilla wafting through the kitchen, and the satisfaction of pulling golden-brown cookies from the oven create an experience steeped in comfort and nostalgia. It’s a reminder of simpler times, when homemade treats brought people together and filled homes with warmth.

 Storage Tips 

To keep your coconut oatmeal cookies fresh and delicious: 

Room Temperature: Store in an airtight container for up to a week. 

Freezing: These cookies freeze beautifully. Place them in a single layer on a baking sheet to freeze, then transfer them to a zip-top bag or airtight container. They’ll keep for up to three months. 

When ready to enjoy, thaw the cookies at room temperature or warm them briefly in the microwave for that just-baked feel.


Why You’ll Love This Recipe 

This recipe is straightforward, requiring no advanced techniques or fancy equipment. The ingredients are pantry staples, making it easy to whip up a batch whenever the craving strikes. Plus, the dough doesn’t need to be chilled, so you can go from mixing bowl to oven in no time. 

But the real reason you’ll love these cookies? They’re deliciously addictive. The combination of oats and coconut, with the option of chocolate, creates a treat that’s hard to resist. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a beginner, these cookies are sure to impress.


Coconut oatmeal cookies are a celebration of flavor, texture, and tradition. They bring together the best of both worlds: the heartiness of oats and the sweet chew of coconut. Whether enjoyed warm from the oven, dipped in chocolate, or paired with a glass of milk, these cookies are a little bite of happiness. 

So why wait? Preheat your oven, gather your ingredients, and treat yourself to a batch of these delightful cookies. Your kitchen will smell heavenly, and your taste buds will thank you.

Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

Recipe by adminDifficulty: Easy
Prep time


Cooking time




  • Wet Ingredients:

  • – 1 cup butter, softened

  • – 1 cup brown sugar

  • – 1/2 cup white sugar

  • – 2 eggs

  • – 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • Dry Ingredients:

  • – 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

  • – 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • – 1 tsp salt

  • Mix-ins:

  • – 3 cups quick oats

  • – 1 cup sweetened shredded coconut

  • Optional Topping

  • – Chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone liner.
  • In a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla extract.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.
  • Fold in the oats and shredded coconut until evenly combined.
  • Roll into balls and place on the cookie sheet, with 2 inches of spacing between each.
  • Add chocolate chips (if using)
  • Bake for 12 minutes, or until the edges are lightly golden.
  • Cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Portuguese Chicken Recipe With Rice

A Flavorful One-Pot Meal You’ll Love 

If you’re looking for a comforting and flavorful meal that captures the essence of Portuguese cuisine, look no further than this Portuguese chicken recipe. With its aromatic spices, tender chicken, and perfectly cooked rice, this one-pot dish is as practical as it is delicious. It’s perfect for family dinners, gatherings, or even meal prepping for the week. 

What sets this recipe apart is the balance of rich, savory flavors paired with subtle aromatic notes from bay leaves and cinnamon—a hallmark of Portuguese cooking. Here, we’ll dive deep into the appeal of this dish, why leaving the skin on the chicken enhances the flavor, and tips to make it your own. 

Portuguese chicken and rice

The Allure of Portuguese Cooking 

Portuguese cuisine is steeped in history, shaped by the country’s geographic location and its rich maritime culture. With influences from Mediterranean, African, and even Asian flavors, Portuguese food is all about bold tastes, fresh ingredients, and a love of simplicity. 

In many traditional dishes, such as arroz de pato (duck rice) or feijoada (bean stew), the focus is on creating layers of flavor with a minimal number of steps. This Portuguese chicken recipe follows the same principle, combining chicken, rice, and a few carefully chosen aromatics into a dish that feels greater than the sum of its parts. 

The use of spices is another hallmark of Portuguese cooking, a tradition rooted in the country’s historic role in the spice trade. Cinnamon, in particular, is often used in savory dishes to create a subtle warmth. In this recipe, the cinnamon pairs beautifully with the bay leaves, creating a unique flavor profile that’s as comforting as it is complex. 

The Secret Is in the Chicken Skin 

One of the defining features of this Portuguese chicken recipe is leaving the skin on the chicken during the cooking process. While some may prefer skinless chicken for health reasons, the benefits of cooking with the skin on are undeniable. 

Portuguese chicken and rice.

When chicken is fried with the skin on, the fat renders out, creating a golden, crispy exterior while also enriching the dish with flavor. The rendered fat infuses the onions, garlic, and spices as they cook, acting as a natural flavor enhancer. This results in a richer and more satisfying dish overall. 

For those who don’t enjoy eating chicken skin, there’s no need to worry—it can easily be removed before serving. However, the skin’s role during cooking is invaluable and shouldn’t be skipped. Even if you don’t eat it, you’ll taste the difference in the final dish. 

Making It Your Own 

One of the best things about this Portuguese chicken recipe is its versatility. While the base ingredients and aromatics create a robust flavor, there’s plenty of room for customization: 

Add Vegetables: Incorporate chopped bell peppers, peas, or tomatoes to add color and nutrition. These vegetables cook well alongside the rice and enhance the dish with their natural sweetness. 

Spice It Up: If you’re a fan of heat, consider adding peri-peri sauce or crushed red pepper flakes. These spicy additions tie in beautifully with the Portuguese culinary tradition. 

Use Different Grains: While rice is traditional, you can experiment with other grains like quinoa or farro for a modern twist. Adjust the liquid and cooking time accordingly. 

Herb Variations: If parsley isn’t your favorite herb, try cilantro or fresh oregano. Both pair wonderfully with the dish’s warm, earthy flavors. 

A Portuguese Chicken Recipe for Every Occasion 

What makes this Portuguese chicken recipe so special is how adaptable it is to any occasion. For a family dinner, it’s a comforting dish that brings everyone to the table. For entertaining guests, its fragrant aroma and beautiful presentation make it a standout. And for meal prep, it’s a convenient one-pot solution that reheats beautifully. 

This dish is also deeply tied to the idea of community and sharing, a value central to Portuguese culture. Traditionally, meals in Portugal are meant to be enjoyed slowly, with good company and conversation. Serving this dish with a bottle of Portuguese wine or some crusty bread can transform a simple dinner into a meaningful gathering. 

A Word on Technique 

Although this dish is straightforward to prepare, a few simple techniques can elevate it: 

Sear the Chicken Properly: Take the time to brown the chicken thoroughly, as this step develops the deep, savory flavors that carry through the entire dish. 

Don’t Rush the Onions: Cooking the onions until they are soft and translucent allows them to caramelize slightly, enhancing their natural sweetness. 

Mind the Rice: Keep an eye on the liquid levels as the rice cooks. You want it to be tender but not mushy, so adjust with additional stock or water as needed. 

These small details ensure that the dish turns out perfectly every time, rewarding your effort with a meal that feels both rustic and refined. 

A Taste of Portugal 

There’s something magical about a dish that can transport you to another place, and this Portuguese chicken recipe does just that. From the first bite, you’re met with the warmth of cinnamon, the freshness of bay leaves, and the satisfying richness of chicken and rice cooked together. 

It’s a dish that speaks to the heart of Portuguese cooking—bold, flavorful, and rooted in a tradition of bringing people together around the table. Whether you’re recreating memories of a trip to Portugal or simply exploring new cuisines from home, this recipe is sure to become a favorite in your kitchen. 

So, why not give it a try? Your taste buds—and your family—will thank you.

Portuguese Chicken Recipe With Rice

Recipe by adminCourse: MainDifficulty: Easy
Prep Time


Cooking time




  • Ingredients:
    Chicken pieces (thighs, drumsticks, or a mix), seasoned with salt and pepper

  • Olive oil for frying

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

  • Spices (1/2 tbsp paprika, pinch cinnamon)

  • 1 tbsp pepper paste

  • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced

  • 4 cups rice, rinsed

  • 7 cups chicken stock (plus extra if needed)

  • 2-3 bay leaves

  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)


  • Brown the chicken: Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the chicken, skin side down, and fry until lightly browned on both sides. Remove the chicken and set aside.
  • Cook onions and spices: In the same pot, add the onions and spices. Stir constantly, cooking until the onions become translucent and fragrant.
  • Add garlic: Stir in the minced garlic and cook for 1 minute, being careful not to burn it.
  • Return the chicken: Place the browned chicken back into the pot.
  • Add rice and stock: Spread the rinsed rice over the chicken. Pour in the chicken stock and gently stir to distribute the rice evenly without disturbing the chicken.
  • Add aromatics: Add the bay leaves and cinnamon to the pot.
  • Cook: Cover the pot and bring it to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer until the rice is fully cooked, about 15 minutes. Check occasionally and add more water or stock needed to ensure the rice doesn’t dry out.
  • Finish and serve: Remove from heat and discard the bay leaves . Garnish with fresh parsley and serve hot.