
Your mom is codependent…

…and your dad’s a drunk. You’re doing well. Getting on. Keeping busy. Coping. Okay, you’re doing it with meds. (or some equally standard admission?) If your Christmas table looks a bit to you like the gathering of personified diagnoses, take heart. You’re among unpretentious friends.

Instead of striving for perfection and hiding behind Stepford-isms, let’s celebrate the chaos of life, or at least get a few things off our chests. These days, even normal people seem a bit offbeat.


About the Neurotic Exotic

This year we’re doing it. We’re owning our self judgment and criticism, and turning the shit-train around! Dispense with the facade and let’s get honest.

We are all facing barriers to our authenticity, and when we start being honest about ourselves we make it okay for others to do the same.

Behind the Screen

Deana (pronounce it Deena, folks!) is an Edmonton area freelance copywriter. She has a business background, but traded it all in for babies, diapers and pharmaceuticals. Born of a composed Canadian mother, and fiery (read: perfectly neurotic) European father, the Neurotic Exotic platform lends itself both to reflection, and a blurting-out of the uncomfortable thoughts residing just below the surface where they are safely tucked away in the presence of:

  • rigid social situations
  • job interviews
  • people she doesn’t trust

And she swears a lot (I’m working on it).

When she’s not writing, she can either be found in grocery isle 7 trying to simultaneously wrangle her little boys and avoid cerebral meltdown, trying to meditate away the crazy, or taking in a pint when patience for meditation is scarce.

The What-for 

Everything is complicated and every priority is priority #1. We need to make room for ourselves to learn, express and grow when we’re not working, cooking, cleaning, yelling, scheduling, wifing and parenting. (Because as far as I can tell, spontaneous combustion is not a great alternative).

This blog was born of a genuine sense of compassion for women struggling everywhere to hold it all together. My wish for you is that something in these pages allows you to feel less alone, and more willing to take off the mask and exist confidently in your imperfect authenticity. Or at least that you have something to read while you’re hiding from your kids in your closet scarfing last halloween’s shitty candy at a pace that would make Garfield want to up his game.

In solidarity,



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